What to expect for your appointment?

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Learn how to be best prepared for your shoot to get the most out of your content.

What to expect for your appointment?
What to expect for your appointment?


  • We will proceed with all appointments unless it is raining or you reach out to reschedule
  • The decision regarding weather will always depend on your urgency of the content. Reference the below points to help decide
  • Appointments on cloudy days:
    • Photo: We can edit the photos to look about 80% as good as a sunny day
    • Video: It is not possible to edit videos as much as photos. Videos will look about 50% as good as a sunny day
  • Reference this link to see weather comparison examples
  • We are happy to shoot photo and video of a house on separate days but please note that we cannot offer the "Photo + Video" discount

Home Readiness

  • We plan enough time to turn on lights, open blinds, and fluff pillows, but any setup beyond those items will reduce the amount of time we have to focus on the content
  • Please declutter as much as possible
  • All vehicles removed from driveway
  • Windows cleaned (especially on gulf front properties)
  • Personal items tucked away
  • Leaves blown off driveway and porches

Community Amenities

  • We are more than happy to shoot up to three community amenities near the property at no extra charge
  • Please let us know if you would like amenities photographedt and specifically which ones you need
  • There are often variables at amenities such as tourists, that we cannot control. We will always do our best to get some coverage, but we can't guarantee that we'll be able to shoot them all. We keep an internal library of amenities that we can pull from as well if it is needed

Appointment Duration

  • Please note the expected duration in the confirmation email
  • If the homeowner will be at the property, then please make sure to give them a heads up on how long our team will be there
  • Appointments can vary from 1-5 hours depending on the size of the property and the services we are providing. If you need the appointment to be shorter, please let us know and we can try to have multiple team members at that appointment

People at Appointments

  • When possible, it is incredibly helpful if no one is at the property during the appointment. This allows our team members to get in the creative zone to get the best content possible as well as finish the appointment within the expected duration.

Array Team Members

  • We have multiple team members that are in the field each day. Each person has been thoroughly trained to follow the same process and shoot the same style
  • To allow maximum availability to our customers, we are not able to assign shooters to specific appointments
  • If you ever have a concern about the quality of our content, we guarantee we will fix the issue as quickly as possible or give you a full refund if you'd prefer

Appointment Cancellations

  • There are no reschedule or cancellation fees if you can let us know before our team shows up to the property
  • If our team shows up to shoot the property and we are unable to due to circumstances beyond our control, we will have to charge a $100 cancellation fee

Twilight Appointments

  • Twilight appointments will always be scheduled for 20 minutes before the specific sunset time that day and will last for 1 hour
  • Our team will need to have all interior and exterior lights on and all blinds open for the twilight photos.


  • Post-Production
    • We have dedicated team members that edit all the content. Our photographers in the field pass of the files and notes for our post-production team to edit. This allows us to always have shooting and editing availability at the same time
  • Revisions/Re-shoots
    • We highly value your complete satisfaction with the quality of the content. Don't hesitate to let us know if you need any revisions to the content
  • Photoshopping Photos
    • We can remove almost anything out of an image. For smaller items, we are happy to remove them at no charge. For larger items there may be a small editing fee to remove them
  • Content Turnaround Time
    • Photos, floor plans, and 3D tours will always be delivered on the next business day
    • Videos will always be delivered within 2 business days
    • If you have urgent needs for content to be delivered quicker, then we will do our best to meet those needs
    • Photos shot on Friday will be delivered on Monday unless you specifically request them to be delivered on Saturday

More questions.

Answers to more common questions.

How does weather affect my content?
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Weather minimally affects photos as edits can enhance brightness and skies. Videos show more impact, with cloudy exteriors appearing darker. Reshoots are optional.

How does media relicensing work?
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Creators retain content ownership. Your shoot price includes a license for your use only. Others must contact us for permission to use it elsewhere.

What do I do when my payment fails?
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Please follow these steps when your payment via stripe fails

When you need photos or videos of your property...

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